Dao - Vinhos Casa de Darei

Lagar de Darei, a hidden gem along the banks of the River Dão in Mangualde, Viseu.
The estate, a 17th century country house, was purchased in 1997 by José Machado Ruivo. It is a region with a strong tradition of wine and apple cultivation. The property is surrounded by gardens and tree and vineyards, olive trees and the River Dão. Here you can enjoy the peace of nature and the unique landscape.
- 150 ha, of which 6 ha are vineyards; The vines have an average age of 9 years
- 8 ha apple trees
- Granite soils
- High thermal temperature
- 400 to 500 m altitude
- Biological - Almost all steps completed to get certification
- Natural approach in wine production
Carlos Ruivo, one of the sons, who currently runs the wine business. Inês Ruivo, the daughter, is responsible for the tourist area of the company. What began in 1997 as a family project with only one hectare of vines has evolved into a successful wine company that produces beautifully and elegant wines.
When I started, I did not have plans to sell my wine, "said José. The planting of the first hectare of vines" was just something for the whole family for us. "But seeing my wines on the wine list in one of Porto's best restaurants was definitely an unexpected surprise, he said. It is a clear indication that there is a demand for his wines. As a family business, it is not easy to compete with larger, high-volume, lower-priced wines from Other Portuguese wine regions. Meanwhile, they export 80% of their wine to the European and American markets.

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