Douro - Vasques de Carvalho

   There is always a single story that hides behind a wine   

The Vasques family history has such strong roots as a vine and is intertwined with the history of the Douro. Its origin dates back to the mid-nineteenth century and the wine company of family, which has always turned its production in fortified wine, selling part of the export houses and aging other party by adding value.
In 1880, by order of Jose Vasques de Carvalho, great-grandfather of the current administrator – António Fernando Lopes Vasques de Carvalho – and given the exceptional quality of this crop, it has not been sold to almost all of the production of that year. This wine was aged and carefully guarded in the family warehouses to the present day.
The middle of the twentieth century, the family began to generous wine merchant activity, buying grapes to third parties, and later sold to the export trade. This strategic change, taken by Maria Amélia Pereira Lopes, allowed to increase the stock of Fortified Wine. In the 70s, Maria Amelia acquired the status of Producer bottler of Port.
In 2000, his heirs created the company Vasques de Carvalho, Agricultural and Commercial Society Lda., Diversifying the product sold through the vinification and bottling DOC Douro wines. 
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