Alentejo - Adega da Cartuxa

The Cartuxa wine cellar is located 2 km from Évora, in an ancient Jesuit building founded in the 16th and 17th centuries, by the University of Évora. The building is a national monument and derives its name from the same name, the 15th-century Carthage Monastery, the official Convento de Santa Maria Scala Coeli, 200 meters further, in the middle of the vineyards. In the 19th century this monastery was owned by the Eugénio de Almeida family and was called the Adega Cartuxa.
The old casks are still in use for theaging of Top Wines, they last for about 10-15 years. In each barrel, another grape varies. The Vigneron is Pedro Baptista. Here 80% DOC wine is made. The annual wine production  Amounts to 3 million bottles. Half of it is exported, mainly to Angola, Brazil and the USA 

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