Bairrada - Vadio

VADIO is located in the village of Poutena in the BAIRRADA region. It is a small family project founded in 2005 by the winemaker Luís Patrão, whose essential element is the recovery of the traditional grape varieties of BAIRRADA and the production of authentic DOC BAIRRADA wines. We have three small and very separate vineyards and an old warehouse that we have adapted in a very simple way for the production of wine. Our wines present a very classic style that aims to respect the authenticity of the region and its character.
Vadio is a project of the couple Luís Patrão and Eduarda Dias. Born in Bairrada, Luís divides his time between Vadio and Alentejo, where he worked for 13 years at Herdade do Esporão, and is currently director of winemaking at Herdade de Coelheiros. Eduarda, a Brazilian from Pernambuco and granddaughter of a Portuguese from Dão, has lived in Portugal for 11 years and leads the daily life of the small family business. Luis' father, Mr. Dinis Patrão, is at the forefront of viticulture. In the past he sold agricultural products to small producers and today he is the biggest lover of organic farming. The vineyard is his garden, he says: "If I don't visit the vineyard for a day, it's not a good day." The family also has the support of winegrower Hugo Melo, Luis' friend from high school, who works full-time with Luís Pato, Filipe Abreu and Dona Lurdes Silva, who carries out the works of the vineyard and the cellar with mastery.

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